Quinton Mundell INC.
Quinton Mundell INC.
Opening hours
- Sunday
- Closed
- Monday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Thursday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Friday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 - 15:30
Pretoria, Gauteng 0151
I am excited to learn and grow with you.
Come with willingness and excitement…. It is always worth-it!
I am excited to learn and grow with you.
Come with willingness and excitement…. It is always worth-it!
Trauma recovery deals with reviving trauma to enable survivors to integrate the trauma into their lives. In order to achieve healing, they have to reject their notions that they are dysfunctional and different. Healing is said to begin when these persons start to reconnect with their strengths, identify defenses that previously kept them “locked into” the trauma and find ways to dismantling these defenses.
Trauma counselling is largely a process whereby traumatized people are enabled to work through their tribulation memories to the point where they feel better. While they might never be able to forget their most painful experiences, they may reach a point where they are able to have these recollections without feeling overwhelmed or seriously disturbed. Unless survivors have an opportunity to address their feelings regarding their abuse, these feelings may have an impact on their relationships with friends, lovers and their children, their self-esteem, their relationships with their bodies and their career performance.
The goal in recovery is to enable the survivor to achieve “ordinary levels of effective functioning”, which would be:
·The ability to give energy to everyday life.
·Experiencing psychological comfort, instead of constantly experiencing pain and distress.
·The ability to experience gratification – to enjoy life’s pleasures when they occur.
·Developing hopefulness regarding the future; being able to make plans for the future, and displaying a commitment to these plans.
·The ability to adequately perform social roles as a spouse, a parent and a member of the community.
Children has emotions, they have thinking patterns and habits which they don’t understand. Children tend to express their fears, concerns different from us, as their reality is different than our reality. The principle for adults and for children is the same namely: What we don’t understand overwhelms us. Sometimes children cry out for help through anger, tantrums, bed wetting, back chatting, suicide, depression or through silence.
Counselling Techniques for Children:
·I use Play as a therapeutic tool to work with children.
·Children relates with stories, therefore I use stories as a healing tool for children.
·Creativity is the gift of creating a new life, therefore I use various creative tools to give each child the space to understand their pain through self-expression.
I specialise in Foster Care Children support.
I specialise also in children with Anger and Rage.
I also specialise with children who experiences loss of parents.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Therefore I usually request a couple to commit to 12 sessions in order to implement the necessary changes to be successful.
How Couple Counselling Works:
In the first session, I speak with both individuals in order to get the overall perspective of the situation. Then I usually speak with each individual to hear and to understand their own truth.
Couple counselling is a journey people usually choose to do together. I would recommend that you and your partner or partners will be willing to walk the journey together. When we walk the journey together we start to understand and to grow with each other. Once the couple realise the core of the problem they feel both relieved as a higher understanding removes the judgement and the pain. Once the couple have a new vision the couple becomes empowered to move beyond their individual and collective thinking.
The satisfaction of the end result gets determined by the willingness of both parties to grow and to discover themselves and their partners on new levels.
Good communication is essential for any healthy relationship. Lack of communication leads to conflict in any relationship.
During these sessions you will learn how to express your emotions effectively to your partner and how to convey a message effectively.
Conflict is also part of any relationship, hence come and learn how to handle conflict effectively and various other factors through communication.
These sessions will create flow in your communication and will support each of you to express yourself freely and truthfully.
I will recommend weekly sessions.
If you book and pay for all 4 sessions, the price is only R2100.
A total of 12 sessions is required to make the shift.
I will recommend weekly sessions.
If you book and pay for all 12 sessions, the price is only R6100.
If you are unable to pay the special price and if you attend all the sessions, then the last session will be free.
This workshop of containing a rock-solid marriage consists out of 6 couple counselling sessions of 90 minutes each.
Our focus during these sessions will be:
What is your marriage foundation?
How can we create a stronger foundation?
Conscious and subconscious expectations in marriage?
Fun and how to create more fun from raising children to sex….
How to improve the communication process between both partners.
Setting achievable goals.
How to forgive and to build trust.
Our families are not whole therefore we are not whole. But to become whole we need to understand
and move beyond the stagnant structure of the family system itself.
We all have an Adam and an Eve in our family history .What happened back then? What did Eve do?
What did Adam do? What part of me lives in shame? Who was the serpent? Where does the
suffering live within me? This is what withhold people from living happy and fulfilling lives.
“Children seldom or never dare to live a happier or more fulfilling life than their parents. Unconsciously they remain loyal to unspoken family traditions that work invisibly. Family Constellations are a way of discovering underlying family bonds and forces that have been carried unconsciously over several generations – (Bertold Ulsamer).
A family Constellation is a three-dimensional group process that has the power to shift generations of suffering and unhappiness. Bert Hellinger, the founder of this work, who studied and treated families for more than 50 years, observed that many of us unconsciously “take on” destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of “belonging” in our families. Bonded by a deep love, a child will often sacrifice his own best interests in a vain attempt to ease the suffering of a parent or other family member.
Family Constellations allow us to break these patterns so that we can live healthier, happier, more
fulfilled lives. In a moment of insight, a new life course can be set in motion. The results can be life
Family constellations brings peace, harmony, acceptance and a deeper understanding for self and for all the family members. Once we have a greater understanding, the family moves forward in unity
and in compassion.
What to bring for your family constellation session:
You don’t need to bring your family in order to discover your family truths, just bring yourself as we are connected with our families and the process will reveal the truths for itself.
Please book for Family Constellation in Advance as I will ask you to complete a questionnaire
in advance.
Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels.
Do you have structure, order to create stability and safety in your own life?
What is holding you back to be in alignment with your goals?
I am a Life coach and a Life Coach Tutor for Blackford Institute.
Life coaching is about finding the blockages that blocks your successes. When we start to ask the right questions, we get the right answers to awaken the higher potential of each individual.
Life coaching is a great tool to set goals, to overcome obstacles and to discover what you allow to stand between you and your own greatness.
Life coaching supported me to discover my own truths, as to be honest to ourselves is the greatest obstacle on our paths.
If you have plans for a new adventure and you battle to take action or if your vision doesn’t become true – then I would suggest Life coaching for you.
Do you have structure, order to create stability and safety in your own life?
What is holding you back to be in alignment with your goals?
I am a Life coach and a Life Coach Tutor for Blackford Institute.
Life coaching is about finding the blockages that blocks your successes. When we start to ask the right questions, we get the right answers to awaken the higher potential of each individual.
Life coaching is a great tool to set goals, to overcome obstacles and to discover what you allow to stand between you and your own greatness.
Life coaching supported me to discover my own truths, as to be honest to ourselves is the greatest obstacle on our paths.
If you have plans for a new adventure and you battle to take action or if your vision doesn’t become true – then I would suggest Life coaching for you.
Special Price: R450
It is a tool we use for self-discovery and personal growth!
Find out how your individual traits fit into one of 9 personality types!
Understand your motivations and Fears!
Time to choose a career, which will assist you in living your own truth!
What these sessions entail:
First session: Intake.
Second session: Applicable psychometric tests.
Third session: Discussion about results and career choices with child. A Professional psychometric report is written.
Fourth Session: Psychometric report is discussed with parents and with child.
What to expect in Family Counselling Session:
We discover and we discuss each family member’s truth. We look at the impact of each family members actions and behaviours. We focus on getting a higher perspective of the agreement between the family members. We look at how the family can work together as a whole in order to enhance the maximum potential for each family member. By gaining a deeper understanding of each individuals challenges, needs and desires we attain a family that works together and not against one another therefore the family are able to achieve more.
Friends, Colleagues have certain needs and desires therefore they request group counselling sessions. These sessions gets created in order to fulfil the needs of the clients. Mostly these group of people require to grow together in a certain direction in life, as they have realized if they grow together emotionally and mentally they are equipped to have a healthier and a more effective relationship.
When: 28–30 March 2025
Where: Thirsty Falls Nature Retreat.
What: 3-day retreat (food, beverages and accommodation is included).
My name is Quinton Mundell and my approach to life is holistic. Through my own personal experience I realized, one aspect of our life's impacts has an influence on the rest of the other aspects.
We tend to focus on one aspect as success or health and we tend to forget the other aspects of our lives. If we only focus on money we tend to neglect our own health and relationships. To live a life of happiness, love, health, success and peace we need to hold firmly to all the aspects of who we are. The key to healing and the key to success is to know yourself. I do believe that God only made A grade people, therefore every human being that enters into my space is an A grade person and I don’t accept or expect anything less of them. Your past is your past, but what happened in your past created your agreements with life itself. Therefore we don’t judge your past and we accept your present and we create your future, as your future is in your hands waiting to be created.
- Gerrit du Plessis··from Google
Love my new journey with Quintin
- Keathan Takoorparsadh··from Google
- annelene massyn··from Google
Quinton is really good at his job and really helps me with his sessions. Definitely recommend.
- nadia myburgh··from Google
- Ferdinand Schuster··from Google
- Raymond Grobbelaar··from Google
Opening hours
- Sunday
- Closed
- Monday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Thursday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Friday
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 - 15:30